Available Questions About Django Quizzes
1. What is the purpose of Django's migrate command?
To create new models
To initialize the database schema
To apply and unapply database migrations
To run a development server
2. How do you include a URL pattern from another application in Django?
By using include() in the main urls.py file
By defining URLs in the views.py file
By using import in the urls.py file
By placing URLs in the settings.py file
3. What is the default value of the null attribute for a Django model field?
4. Which method is used to render a template in Django?
5. How can you make a model field unique in Django?
By setting unique=False in the field definition
By using unique as a method
By setting unique=True in the field definition
By setting unique=True in the Meta class
6. What does the @login_required decorator do in Django?
It prevents the view from being accessed by non-logged-in users
It allows access to a view only if the user is authenticated
It logs the user out after a certain period
It checks if the user has a specific permission
7. How do you define a custom manager for a Django model?
By defining methods in the views.py file
By using a Serializer
By using a Meta class
By inheriting from models.Manager and defining custom methods
8. How do you include a third-party app in a Django project?
By importing it in views.py
By placing it in the middleware setting
By adding it to the INSTALLED_APPS setting
By defining it in urls.py
9. What does Django's admin.site.register() do?
It applies database migrations for admin models
It customizes the appearance of admin pages
It registers a model with the admin interface
It creates a new admin user
10. How do you handle file uploads in Django?
By defining upload logic in views.py
By using FileField or ImageField in the model
By using request.POST
By configuring static files